The HOPE CENTER of Warren County is a place that provides HOPE for those who seek to live a better and more productive life through recovery and the improvement of life skills. It is a place where people get a hand up, not a hand out. It's all about giving HOPE to those in our community. We offer a variety of classes and support groups in the daytime and evenings, and the availability grows with demand. Check with us about our current SERVICES.
- Mothers of Loving Hope
- Living Free
- Coping with divorce
- Single parenting
- Anger management
- Abortion
- Suicide
- Handling Loss and Grief
- Coping with depression
- Committed couples counseling
- Peacemaking: How to handle conflict (for youth)
- Court-ordered and non- court-ordered counseling
​- 12-step recovery from addiction
- Alcohol and Drug (A&D) consulting, assessment, and education
- Crisis pregnancy and intervention
- Individual and family counseling
- Couple's counseling
- Batterers Intervention
- Many other offers to meet the needs of our community
- Job interview skills and training​
- Resume building and cover letters​
- Financial management
- Banking and budgeting
- Purchasing and couponing​
- Literacy advancement
- GED preparation
- Healthy living
Articles & Resources
Living Free: These are non-residential classes offering faith-based solutions to life's challenges. Living free curriculum, which includes the following 4 classes:
Insight Group: Participants discuss the upward path to Christian character as described in 2 Peter 1:3-11.
Free to Grow: Participants learn how to be free of hindrances or setbacks that have stopped or hindered their spiritual development.
Stepping into Freedom: Participants progress through 12-step recovery, applying scripture to every step.
Anger, Our Master or Our Servant: Participants learn to understand and direct anger appropriately while focusing on God's purpose and plan for their lives.
Includes 4 classes and workbook materials. Participants may enroll at any time.
A & D Consulting, Assessment and Management: Provides validated tools to guide screening, evaluation, and referral to treatment of clients with a substance use disorder.
Parenting Classes: There are two classes. Both meeting legal requirements following divorce or unacceptable parental behavior.
Anger Management Classes: This study offers a clear explanation of anger, what causes it, and how to recognize when you are sinning with anger. This not only ministers and serves as a powerful tool, it is a support program that is often attended as part of the legal system in response to unacceptable behavior.
Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT): This is a systematic treatment strategy that seeks to decrease recidivism among juvenile and adult criminal offenders by increasing moral reasoning. It is the premiere cognitive-behavior program for substance abuse treatment and offender populations.

NOW AVAILABLE! Morning and Evening Classes & Groups. Call for Current Schedule
We are all affected by addiction, divorce, anger, stress, unemployment, and situational hopelessness (directly or indirectly). Volunteering and/or donating to the HOPE CENTER makes our community safer, more tolerant, and more stable. In a town suffering addiction, hopelessness, and instability, we are all affected. Methamphetamine or prescription drug addiction, illiteracy, lack of educational or occupational skills, lack of parenting skills are all correctable. Helping alleviate these problems is necessary for a healthy community. A little donated time or money helps our community, but also those who need it the most. IT’S A HAND UP, NOT A HAND OUT. Consider liking and sharing our Facebook page and doing more to make the public aware. We all benefit from supporting the HOPE CENTER. THANK YOU for your support!