The HOPE CENTER is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that relies on donations from the community. We are proud to say that all of our staff works strictly on a volunteer basis, but we still need monetary help to keep operations running. Donations (check or money order) can be sent to the address below. Or click on the "Donate" button to conveniently use PayPal.
The Hope Center ~ 203 W. Main St., STE 12 ~McMinnville, TN 37110
We are all affected by addiction, divorce, anger, stress, unemployment, and situational hopelessness (directly or indirectly). Volunteering and/or donating to the HOPE CENTER'S cause makes our community safer, more tolerant, and more stable. In a town with addiction (a really high one), hopelessness (just as high), and instability, we need to pay attention to how ignoring these problems trickle into general society. Methamphetamine or prescription drug addiction, illiteracy, lack of educational or occupational skills, lack of parenting skills are all correctable. Helping alleviate these problems is necessary for or helpful to teachers, lawyers, judges, parents, politicians, religious organizations, and, YES, taxpayers. A little donated time or money (or word of mouth promotion) does help the rehabilitation of not only our community, but also those who need it the most. IT IS NOT A HAND OUT, IT IS A HAND UP. Consider liking and sharing our FACEBOOK page. We all benefit from supporting the HOPE CENTER!

Amazon Smile yet? Help by designating the Hope Center of Warren County. Log in using your existing account information and order all your Amazon purchases through (instead of the usual! The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price from your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the Hope Center of Warren County. Have you signed up for